Thomas Sweet's Dexter Freebish (Rating = 6/10)


Thomas Sweet was alrightttttt. This one guy there sold me on their dexter freebish flavored ice cream-which is made of vanilla ice cream, cashew, caramel, and chocolate chips and it's possibly named after the owner's favorite band. Yes, it is salty--which makes it interesting. Apparently, this flavor is only available at branches of Thomas Sweet. 

Yet, $3.50ish for this treat? For that size? Never again! Totally overpriced. I've learned my lesson and I am totally going to get a shake the next time I go to a pricey, unheard of ice cream shop. Common sense hints you'll get more for your money this way.

They do specialize in mixing in toppings into your ice cream. Por ejemplo, you can mix in strawberrys into cake batter- so this aspect is pretty cool. Yet there is also something at home called a mixer and I believe that although the final product may not look like the same thing the taste will be somewhat similar. YES, OKAY, THEY DO HAVE GOOD FLAVORS THERE. HENCE, the 6/10 rating.

What's with the increase in price for ice cream anyway? It's not like there's a limited supply like there is with diesel fuel.  

If you like the blog, please follow for more recipes and restaurant reviews @!! Or follow me on tumblr ( or my twitter (@Its_Taran) or my pinterest ( or instagram (unarguablydelicious). Please feel free to share your opinions or your recipes as well because I'd love to hear them!

Thomas Sweet Ice Cream on Urbanspoon

Stuff Yer Face critique (My rating = 6.5/10)


Hello, hello, hello! We went to Stuff yer face on Easton Avenue by Rutgers University and if you're interested in some critique here it goes! For the appetizer we ordered the original potachos and we also ordered and split the BBQ Pork Stromboli:

What the appetizer looked like:

So one could definitely make this at home yettt it was mighty tasty. I'd give it a 6/10. The cheese could have stuck less to the plate but overall, well toasted, well seasoned, and it had just the right amount of crunch factor.

The stromboli was excessively filled with BBQ sauce so they took the easy way out on this one. Yet it was still tasty. I would give it a 7/10. Then again, I am a nice judge :). The restaurant was excessively crowded and the tables were too close to each other: as in "I can hear other entire conversations going on while I'm stuffing my face" close. This restaurant is a great place for friends to eat together but you would be crazy to go there for a first date. 

If you like the blog, please follow for more recipes and restaurant reviews @!! Or follow me on tumblr ( or my twitter (@Its_Taran) or my pinterest ( or instagram (unarguablydelicious). Please feel free to share your opinions or your recipes as well because I'd love to hear them!

Stuff Yer Face on Urbanspoon

Berry 'Nana Oatmeal Parfait


Recipe :

         As much as I would be thrilled to say that I made the world's best parfait in my kitchen this morning and lead you to believe that your dish will come out flippin' fantastic if you follow my recipe, I gotta stick with the fact that honesty is the best policy and I definitely need to perfect my parfait.

BUT DON'T GO YET! I can definitely give you a few tips because the world needs to have less disappointing parfaits and this dilemma can only be stopped if we listen to each other.

TIP 1: Don't listen to those health conscious recipes and use plain yogurt for a parfait--you will be sacrificing taste. If you do, your parfait will come out mediocre--even with the best berries on hand. Either mix in some sugar into your yogurt-O beforehand or purchase vanilla yogurt. If your plan of action does not follow my words of wisdom as written above, may I suggest buying the following book: .
Or try using cream cheese in your parfait as recommended by this website:

TIP 2: If you like hot oatmeal, stick with hot oatmeal in your parfait. Although I made it well, I strongly dislike cold oatmeal.  It tasted amazing when I took it off the stove. Leaving it in the fridge for an hour and a half was a mistake.

TIP 3: If you like cold oatmeal, make it the night before and leave it in the fridge-saving you plenty of time in the morning.

TIP 4: One can definitely replace both oatmeal and yogurt with sweet rice pudding in a parfait.

TIP 5: Feel free to throw in some maple syrup on top.

TIP 6: Use molasses in your oatmeal. Trust me.

If you like the blog, please follow for more recipes and restaurant reviews @!! Or follow me on tumblr ( or my twitter (@Its_Taran) or my pinterest ( or instagram (unarguablydelicious). Please feel free to share your opinions or your recipes as well because I'd love to hear them!

Croque Madam Muffin


Well hellooo there! ;) If you're willing to clog your arteries, try cooking the Croque Madam Muffin. (Let's just say there's a lot of butter and cheese involved.) And if you're expecting bad news or feeling too thin, I suggest cooking bacon to go along with this.

In my version, I used a wheat bread instead of white, regular mustard, much more milk for my Mornay sauce to prevent burning, and Cabot Seriously Sharp Chedder Cheese instead of the one recommended.

Unfortunately, it did take me an hour to make this. Be smart and shave off some time by making the sauce the night before so your empty stomach doesn't hate you in the morning, early afternoon, or whatever one refers to late brunch time as.
I definitely recommend leaving this in the oven for only 15 mins so that the eggs are runny.

I regret leaving it in for the full 20 mins. However, this was still scrumptious.

If you like the blog, please follow for more recipes and restaurant reviews @!! Or follow me on tumblr ( or my twitter (@Its_Taran) or my pinterest ( or instagram (unarguablydelicious). Please feel free to share your opinions or your recipes as well because I'd love to hear them!

Very Cherry Waffle


This waffle is great morning breakfast after a long, long night.

 Chop a handful of cherries and throw them into the waffle batter and thank the Almighty for bestowing you with many blessings, one of which is in the form of  a waffle machine.

Never again will you crave a plain waffle. 

If you like the blog, please follow for more recipes and restaurant reviews @!! Or follow me on tumblr ( or my twitter (@Its_Taran) or my pinterest ( or instagram (unarguablydelicious). Please feel free to share your opinions or your recipes as well because I'd love to hear them!

Mango Pie, Anyone?


Just tasted a delicious piece of mango pie made by one of my dad's coworkers and I'm definitely interested in trying to make it in the future. I'm assuming the recipe they used is somewhat close to the one I found online at this site:

If you like the blog, please follow for more recipes and restaurant reviews @!! Or follow me on tumblr ( or my twitter (@Its_Taran) or my pinterest ( or instagram (unarguablydelicious). Please feel free to share your opinions or your recipes as well because I'd love to hear them!

Funnel Cake on the Beach on a Day in Late Spring


With the sight of the waves in our eyes on Memorial Day, we munched on warm, toasted pieces of funnel cake that we swirled repeatedly in powdered sugar so that they were coated with just the right amount of white, wonderful sweetness. The feeling of summer entered our veins during each dreamy moment that passed us by leaving us to feel the latest oncoming wind in our hair and on our skin until the cake was over and it became a part of our ongoing past.  

If you like the blog, please follow for more recipes and restaurant reviews @!! Or follow me on tumblr ( or my twitter (@Its_Taran) or my pinterest ( or instagram (unarguablydelicious). Please feel free to share your opinions or your recipes as well because I'd love to hear them!

Kick off the day with a plateful of Omurice and Pina Colada


It's another dreary morning until you smell the scent of garlic and onions on the skillet. 

Once the fried rice is done cooking, quickly create your omelette and pocket the rice inside. 

Throw in a basil, some spinach, and ketchup on top, and taste the tomatoes while munching on the mushrooms and onions.  

 You, my friend, have successfully started the day off right! Now you just need to fix your hair....

and why not offer yourself some pina colada? Freshly made from arguably one of the world's best cooks: my dad. But of course the omurice was created by your humble narrator!

If you like the blog, please follow for more recipes and restaurant reviews @!! Or follow me on tumblr ( or my twitter (@Its_Taran) or my pinterest ( or instagram (unarguablydelicious). Please feel free to share your opinions or your recipes as well because I'd love to hear them!

Lunch at Max Brenners- What a Turn On! (10/10 for dessert)


                          Best hazulnut creme crepe one will ever have is at Max Brenner!! :) 

Fried rice crispies on vanilla ice cream along with chocolate cavier take you on a ride in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory when topped on a delictable crepe stuffed with just the right amount of bananas.

Did someone order a pizza with peanut butter coated and toasted marshmellows on chocolate sauce over soft bread? 

Max Brenner on Urbanspoon

If you like the blog, please follow for more recipes and restaurant reviews @!! Or follow me on tumblr ( or my twitter (@Its_Taran) or my pinterest ( or instagram (unarguablydelicious). Please feel free to share your opinions or your recipes as well because I'd love to hear them!

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